Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some of the products have "emptyarchives" labels in the photo but not others?

Some photos are directly from the factory, others are hand taken by us at the warehouse.

What kind of products do you offer?

We offer a carefully selected range of clothes, shoes, and accessories. We are always updating our catalog.

How do you ensure high quality while keeping prices low?

We work directly with suppliers to cut out middlemen, allowing us to offer competitive prices without compromising on quality. Our team meticulously inspects every product to ensure it meets our standards.

What the full process including shipping?

Customer Pays > Warehouse Prepares The Product > The Product Gets Shipped 1-3 after payment (Possibly Quicker) > Tracking Number Is Sent To Customer > Product Deliveries At Designated Location

Are these authentic products?

they have possibility of passing authentic checks, there is always flaws, even on designer products. nothing is perfect. 

Can I pay half? "I dont trust this.."

We do accept Deposits, however there is a chance you would have to pay and extra shipping fee as the product would have to arrive at a US warehouse and be reshipped after the other half of the payment is paid.

Have more questions?

Feel free to reach out to us for any additional inquiries. We're here to help!